Lithic Alliance is a more-than human collective predominantly working with the lithological realm and the energies and vibrations that emerge in this mineralized entanglement. Their research digs into the ecological and geopolitical foundation of co-existence, animisms and the rights of nature resulting in multifaceted projects that investigates connections spanning over vast temporalities to identify phenomenological correspondence and queer kinship.
The research that underpins Lithic Alliance focuses on the mineralized co-inhabitants of this planet and their transformations which shape the present, namely their status as massively accelerated mined resources within current social structures and power relations. By digging into the realms of animisms, rights of nature and ways of communicating with a more-than human world, it investigates connections spanning over vast temporalities to identify phenomenological correspondence.
Lithic Alliance sees itself as a fluid compound of diverse constituents, and seeks to manifest these enquiries through visual and performative methods that can solidify themselves in material form, but also through collaborative constellations and the exchange of knowledge on a theoretical and speculative level.
Lithic Alliance is an art collective that was initiated in 2020 by artist Daniel V. Keller. They are working with-and in various environments on often site-specific projects, multimedia installations, sounds and performances.
Their works have been shown internationally including ICA London, Linnahall Talinn, Couronne Biel, STEMS Gallery Brussels, Art Safiental Biennale, Haus Konstruktiv and Gasträume Zürich.